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Sejong Yang

Student, Developer, and Researcher

I am a Ph.D. Candidate at Yonsei University, supervised by Prof. Seon Joo Kim. As a Ph.D student, my main research focus is in face modeling with generative models(VAE, GAN, Normalizing Flows, Diffusion Models), 3D model(3DMM, Neural Renderer, NeRF), and multi-modal representation(visual-audio, visual-text).
I was fortunate to be research scientist intern at Adobe Research in 2023 Summer at San Jose, California to solve the arbitrary talking head generation including human, animal, cartoon and pareidoliaface with StableDiffusion with my wonderful mentors Yang Zhou, Seoung Wug Oh, Cameron Smith and, Deepali Aneja. Check projects tab for more information.
I have internship experience at NAVER in 2020 Summer to participate machine learning challenge named AI Rush.
As an undergraduate intern in the lab of Seon Joo Kim(My Ph.D. advisor), I try to find video highlights in baseball games automatically with video summarization methods.
I engage in the start-up Blammedia as a CTO in 2019. We got the preliminary start-up package investment worth 30M won from the Korea Institute of Startup and Entrepreneurship Development. I learn the market value of technology and product by meeting with venture capitalists.
I spent a wonderful spring semester as an exchange student at Uppsala University in 2018. Learning computer science in different culture was a great experience.
At Ewoosoft, I participate as a developer of EzMobile, Ez3D-i. I learn how to use Xamarin.Forms, Qt5, and Flask for developing the enterprise-level product. I also become familiar with collaboration/devops tools like Jira, Atlassian, Crucible and Fisheye, Github, and Jenkins with the waterfall development model.
I have software assistant experience at Kakao in 2016 developing a component for openstack. In the experience, I learn the basics of the network, virtualization, and cloud computing from the experience.
BEng at Yonsei University. This is the place where I know what is "coding" for the first time, and I managed to get a degree in computer science from it in the end. As an undergraduate intern in the lab of Seon Joo Kim(My Ph.D. advisor), I conducted for collecting and purifying data for color constancy task with the hyespectral camera.
Selected Publications and Projects
Generating Paired Data beyond Human Face by Diffusion Feature-based Filter
2023.05 - 2023.08
Sejong Yang, Yang Zhou, Seoung Wug Oh, Cameron Smith, and Deepali Aneja.
[Technical Report] [Google Presentation]
THMM-DiT: Talking Head Motion Modeling with Diffusion Transformer
2022.11 - 2023.05
Sejong Yang, Seoung Wug Oh, Yang Zhou, and Seon Joo Kim.
[Technical Report] [Google Presentation]
Dense Interspecies Face Embedding
NeurIPS 2022
Sejong Yang, Subin Jeon, Seonghyeon Nam, and Seon Joo Kim.
[paper] [code] [project page]
Sheep Runner - Casual Unity Game
2020 Summer
Sejong Yang